A breath of fresh air

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Weather conditions were yet again favourable throughout the weekend, affording visting divers  pristine winter diving conditions. Each passing week sees more divers dragging their fins out of hibernation and into the Atlantic. The effort has certainly been worth it, with great visibility being the order of the day. This weekend saw divers pay homage to the Julia T, Thany Beag and Doonee Beacon. On the Julia T, divers reported on seeing at least halfway along the wreck at any stage; the Julia T measures 30 metres long, so you can do the math on the viz! Similar conditions featured on our other dive sites. Those who dived Thany Beag on Saturday afternoon were spellbound by a graceful ling winding its way along the boulders.

Departing for Thany Beag, Saturday afternooon

Departing for Thany Beag, Saturday afternooon

The weather forecast for the coming days is very good. We expect easterly winds, which will further enhance underwater visibility out West. Today it is cold but very dry; the kind of weather that demands some outdoor pursuits.  Our mountains and oceans are calling.

Saturday evening saw us make a unique visit to Galway city, where we undertook ‘Discover Scuba’ with some eager locals. Expect to see some new faces around the dive centre over the coming months as these guys n’ gals have already been bitten by the bug.

Kris, Patrick and their students

Kris, Patrick and their students


Girl Power!

Girl Power!

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