An unabating easterly airflow keeps air temperatures cold but aids good viz. Take a look at the photo below and you will see a snowy Maol Reidh mountain, and a boat of grinning divers. This photo was taken after Sunday afternoon’s dive on the Julia T. Coats and hot chocolate were called for upon surfacing, but there was no denying the great quality diving on offer.

After the dive, Sunday 21st Feb
We had a mix of students certifying this weekend. Congratulations to James Flynn who completed his Openwater Diver course, to Noel Tierney who undertook his Drysuit Specialty and to TJ Redmond, newly qualified Advanced Openwater diver.
The weather forecast for the week promises cold but dry conditions. We are expecting next weekend to be another great one for diving, so give us a call on 095 43922 with your booking.