Our Adventure Day Trips, with departures from both the dive centre and Cleggan, are proving as popular as ever. Divers travelled to two of Killary Bay’s most westerly sites on Saturday, visiting Llachog Prahan and our very popular, newly discovered site near Crump Island. Despite some residual plankton in the water, divers reported good visibility and an abundance of marine life. Lunch was a picnic on Crump Island, where divers enjoyed a panoramic view of the Renvyle Peninsula and its surrounds.
For the upcoming June Bank Holiday weekend, we will be running Adventure Day Trips both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday’s Day Trip will depart from Cleggan Pier, and visit High and Friar Island; and Inis Boffin if weather permits it. These dive sites offer good depth, so are a good choice for divers of Advanced Openwater and upwards. Sunday’s Day Trip will depart from Scubadive West, and visit the dive sites around Crump Island, with an island stop for lunch. These Day Trips cost €70, with airfills and gear rental charged at our normal rates. Divers bring two cylinders, and we are happy to provide the second free of charge; all you pay is for an additional air fill.
The long range forecast is looking favourable, so we are looking forward to some nice diving conditions.
Don’t forget our screening of ‘End of the Line’ at the dive centre on Saturday evening (5th June) at 7pm. This moving documentary highlights the very real threats facing our ocean; and specifically that of overfishing. Snacks and drinks will be provided at the screening.