Have your cake and eat it

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A fresh day


Sunshine, sea spray and a South Easterly breeze at our backs on Saturday as we headed off for some great boat diving. Meanwhile at back at the shore…

Shore dive, Enda and spider crab.


The spiny spider crabs have started to arrive back into the cove at Scubadive West, and are a regular sighting at this time of year in shallow waters, as it is their mating season. Their bright orange / purple carapice and long folding legs are spectacular to watch as they march across the sand. Just don’t get to close or they will display some of their Kung- Fu moves!




My birthday, my cake.


”It’s OK you don’t have to eat the whole cake,.. we’ll help you!” . Happy Birthday Cillian!

We had  great evening in Paddy Coyne’s pub to celebrate, and thanks to all who came from the far corners of Ireland to join in.




This weekend coming (16th &17th April) will be action packed with a PADI Drysuit Course, Emergency First Response and Navigation Diver Specialty Course and the super speedy Streamstown Drift Dive on Sunday afternoon, and the regular boat dives at 10am and 2pm, so call 095 43922 now and grab a slice of the action.

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