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The HelO2 Test Units

The HelO2 is Suunto’s advanced mixed-gas dive computer. Designed with the keen Tek Diver in mind, it makes the whole technical diving experience simpler, faster and more flexible. Suunto have very kindly let us borrow some of their test units to try out.

Why not try one of these units on a Tek dive with us next weekend? The Marlin will be visiting Inisbarna and other deep sites as we will be running our ever popular Tec40 course over the weekend of 27th & 28th May. You are more than welcome to join us.

Whether you are already a seasoned Tek Diver or just interested in trying out the latest Sunnto gadget give us a call to book your dive with one of these ‘state of the art’ multi gas dive computers today. We have to give them back soon!!

095 43922
[email protected]

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