Adventure Day Trip to High Island

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An exciting day of diving, exploring islands by land and sea (and sun bathing!) for 12 happy divers on the Cleggan Adventure Day Trip to High Island.

The morning wall dive at Friar Island brought divers face to face with shoals of pollock, wrasse and bib. The vertical walls were encrusted with all manner of sponges and anemones. With visibility greater than 20 metres, water temperature 15 degrees and warm sunshine, all present agreed that summer had returned for the day!   

Approaching and landing on High Island.

Approaching the Monastic settlement. The Oratory, Cell and Enclosure are all visible.

St Féicín founded the Monastery on High Island in 634.

The dwelling cell.

Some of the beautiful early crosses in evidence at the Monastery.

A grassy hill to one side of the settlement and steep cliffs on the other side provide some shelter from the prevailing winds.

Blue skies and calm seas were the order of the day, granting us access to the exposed breakers on the Western side of High island for a stunning afternoon dive. The very clear water and abundant marine life kept the photographers happy, and all were able to glide through the canyons and pinnacles with ease in the exceptionally calm seas.

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